COVID-19 Precautions

Dear Friends, Family, and Patrons of SOMA Dental,

We have implemented many precautions and protocols for your safety during this pandemic as your health and safety are our primary concern. These include:

  • Reduced daily capacity by 50% to minimize potential exposure and allow more stringent disinfection protocols after each appointment.
  • Tele-questionnaire to patients 24 hrs before appointment to assess health risk
  • Temperature check before appointment
  • Hand sanitizing stations setup around the practice to sanitize before and after the appointment
  • Mandatory mask wearing protocol
  • No patients waiting in reception area
  • Sneeze/cough barriers in common areas
  • Increased PPE for clinicians including masks, eye protection, face shields, and disposable hair, shoe and garment coverings.
  • Extra-oral suctioning units in treatment rooms to greatly minimize aerosolized and potentially infectious particles in the air.
  • Air purifier/ionizer units
  • Ultraviolet sterilization unit

Your health is our primary concern; and I am very confident that we will be able to provide you with a safe environment for you to once again have your dental needs met.

Please feel free to contact our office at: (415) 558-9800 to schedule an appointment for a cleaning, consult, or any other dental treatment that you may need.

I look forward to seeing you.

Dr. Nigel Suarez

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